An event story with some exciting facts begins….

KubeCon CloudNativeCon is a conference held across the globe every year. This year’s, i.e., the 2020 event, was planned in Europe.

Did you struggle to follow the four days of interesting developments in the cloud-native space? No worries! Our research will brush your knowledge from KubeCon CloudNativeCon Virtual Europe 2020.

As we all know, 2020 is said to be a quarantine year, as Coronavirus (COVID-19) made everyone sit back at home due to the lockdown across all nations. The event was expected to be conducted in Amsterdam in March 2020. Like other business conferences, this event was delayed and ultimately became a virtual event.

This year’s KubeCon CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 conference has gone virtual. The cloud-native and Kubernetes community interacted on a virtual platform.

Kubernetes is the fastest developing open source project in the world and the one with the most developers after Linux. You all might have questions that what exactly is this event all about? Take a sneak peek!

What is KubeCon CloudNativeCon?

KubeCon CloudNativeCon is a platform that is exclusively used for the announcement of new open source projects, products, and features from the cloud-native community. Companies across the globe actively participate in the event to showcase their products and company platforms.

Let’s concentrate on key topics:

Newly incubated and graduated projects

The projects were classified by Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as graduated, sandbox, or incubating, based on their organizational and technical maturity. Graduated projects are battle-tested in various production environments, solve a pressing need, and features a diverse and rich contributor base.

1. The 2020 edition has two newly graduated projects:

  • Harbor, the container registry with a unified susceptibility scanner
  • Helm, the Kubernetes package manager

2. Various other projects have reached incubation status:

  • Argo, a GitOps framework
  • Contour, the Envoy-based Ingress controller
  • K3s, the lightweight Kubernetes distribution
  • Cortex, a multi-tenant and long term Prometheus
  • Operator framework, a groundwork for expanding the Kubernetes API

Here are the five best thrilling announcements from this year’s KubeCon CloudNativeCon Europe edition:

1. VMware enhances Harbor registry to boost machine learning (ML) artifacts

VMware designed a Harbor, a CNCF incubated project, as a consistent, enterprise-grade open-source container registry. Harbor is exclusively used by consumers within a hybrid cloud or data center to store and distribute container images securely.

Consumers are always finding novel ways for an integrated repository for storing ML models and container images. However, Harbor supports metadata, container images, and model artifacts, including model and hyperparameters versions. Harbor is strongly assimilated with TensorFlow Serving, a mechanism for managing and hosting models for interference.

Harbor makes ML ideal for MLOps running on Kubernetes via KubeFlow and other ML frameworks.

2. Kubermatic’s KubeOne streamlines day two processes of Kubernetes Clusters

Kubermatic’s other name is Loodse, which has open sourced its management tools and Kubernetes platform.

At the Europe conference, the company publicized its KubeOne tool in its first version. The device is nothing but a managing platform that automates or manages cluster operations on internet-of-things (IoT), cloud, and on-prem environments. Moreover, this enhanced tool can install smaller or highly available clusters that run a single master node. This multi-cluster power plane can be utilized in different settings for controlling the lifecycle of Kubernetes groups.

KubeOne is accessible as an open-source project as well as a managed and commercial service from Kubermatic.

3. Mirantis procures Lens, a trendy Kubernetes environment

Mirantis acquired the company’s business from Docker, Inc., and aimed to entice the cloud-native operators and developers. At KubeCon Europe 2020, Mirantis publicized that it had acquired Lens and developed an environment to manage Kubernetes workloads. The Lens helps to register the current Kubernetes cluster to handle the resources.

4. Red Hat gets OpenShift to the edge

OpenShift cluster needs two or more worker nodes and three master nodes, making it appropriate for running at the edge. Red Hat is enhancing its OpenShift and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for the edge.

Red Hat has also developed Advanced Cluster Manager to manage and register remote clusters running at the edge. Further combination of OpenShift running at the edge locations managed by Advanced Cluster Manager allows Red Hat to target 5G environments and Industrial IoT use cases.

5. Datadog augments contextual and curated views for examining Kubernetes resources

Datadog is a frontrunner in observability and monitoring. It has also expanded its platform to support Live Containers that offer a contextual and curated view of the workloads running in the Kubernetes.

The key attractions of the event were end-users:

End-users are CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) members that use cloud-native technologies but do not sell them directly. Zalando was awarded the “end-user award” because of its contribution to cloud-native projects.

  • CNCF Technology Radar: first Technology Radar on GitOps
  • ClusterAPI: Use K8s to create K8s clusters
  • GitOps: all system changes through Git commits
  • DevSecOps: secure expansion at the pace of cloud native

The critical security topics at KubeCon included vital management, network policies, intrusion detection, and vulnerability scanning. For instance, Aqua Security presented a stunning tutorial on how to use OpenPolicyAgent and Trivy to keep your production environment free from known vulnerabilities. Sysdig and Shopify showcased intrusion detection using Falco.

The event was inaugurated by Priyanka Sharma, General Manager of the CNCF. She encouraged individuals from all countries to get involved with the CNCF and Kubernetes communities. Sharma welcomed contributions from individuals with a range of skills, engineers, program managers, and documentation writers.

“As per the report published by the new State Cloud Native Development Report, there are about 6.5 million “cloud native” developers across the globe.”

Cheryl Hung, VP of Ecosystem at the CNCF, was next on the virtual stage, who shared the importance of examining and establishing the “real world” view of cloud-native technologies. Hung focused on the new CNCF end-user Technology Radar developed by a group of over 140 companies.

Several other community leaders from all over the world who were part of the conference also shared their key takeaways, including KellyAnn Fitzpatrick, Katie Gamanji, Janakiram MSV, and Rich Burroughs.

KubeCon CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 Virtual Conference is a wrap!

To experience the virtual event glimpse, one can watch the breakout and keynote sessions on YouTube.


The next KubeCon CloudNativeCon 2020 will be the North American edition that will be held in November 2020. Also, this conference will be a virtual event. The CNCF will be responsible for gathering technologists and adopters from leading cloud-native and open source communities virtually from November 17 to 20, 2020.

Europe’s 2020 conference key takeaways:

The virtually conducted four-day event was all about recent updates, use cases, and trends. End users, various projects, vendors, and sponsors who made this cloud-native ecosystem were part of the virtual conference 2020.

That’s all? You think so? I could go on and on and narrate a detailed story of an event about telco-grade networking, storage, and edge native computing, but you don’t want me to block four days of yours. Right?

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