
  • Badge asserts that its recently introduced authentication technology makes storing personally identifiable information and biometric credentials obsolete.
  • The technology eliminates users’ need to register on a new device before undergoing authentication. Biometric factors can be integrated with additional elements, such as passive attributes or PINs, establishing a robust and convenient multifactor authentication method.

Badge Inc., a privacy-focused company, has unveiled a new authentication technology. In addition, it has partnered with Auth0, enabling customers to integrate Badge’s innovative privacy solutions seamlessly. This collaboration will empower users to experience multifactor authentication across all channels.

Badge asserts that its recently introduced authentication technology makes storing personally identifiable information and biometric credentials obsolete. It aims to eliminate the need for passwords, device redirects, and knowledge-based authentication. The technology promises a seamless experience with a “enroll once and authenticate on any device” convenience. This technology operates with a commitment to having “no stored secrets anywhere.” Users enroll once, and subsequently, seamless authentication occurs across any device. The authentication factors, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, are unique and inherent to each user.

The technology eliminates users’ need to register on a new device before undergoing authentication. Biometric factors can be integrated with additional elements, such as passive attributes or PINs, establishing a robust and convenient multifactor authentication method. This approach doesn’t hinge on a specific device or token for user authentication.

Badge’s technology empowers users to navigate seamlessly across various devices and platforms without the risk of losing access to their accounts or compromising security. Co-founder Tina Srivastava said, “When we founded Badge, our mission was to solve one of the hardest problems in authentication by moving the trust anchor for digital identities to the human instead of a hardware device or personally identifiable information. After losing my own identity in a breach, we went back to the fundamentals. We relied on math to solve the problem and used cryptography to build a user-centric solution that makes people their own roots of trust rather than their device or token. With Badge, you are your token.”

In addition to making the new technology widely accessible, Badge has also announced the availability of its privacy-preserving authentication solution on the Auth0 Marketplace. This marketplace serves as a catalog of trusted technology integrations designed to enhance the functionality of the Okta Customer Identity Cloud powered by Auth0.

Through the Badge integration, Auth0 customers can enroll once and authenticate on any device using their preferred biometrics and factors. This approach ensures a secure and comprehensive user experience. This capability facilitates seamless cross-platform device authentication without passwords or stored secrets.

The integration enhances Auth0’s extensible identity framework, seamlessly incorporating adjacent technologies. This design facilitates the successful execution of broader projects, including but not limited to digital transformation, threat detection, compliance, and customer conversion. Badge integration allows Auth0 customers to incorporate seamlessly into their Identity and Access Management workflows. The integration process is simplified, offering code-free configuration options for added convenience.