
  • Meta’s AI leadership team to conduct the virtual event on February 23, 2022.
  • Many internal experts will discuss their approaches to using AI in building the metaverse and the importance of machine learning systems in the process.

Meta (formerly known as Facebook) will be hosting a virtual event, where internal experts from different sectors will discuss their approaches on utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) for building the metaverse and the role of Machine Learning (ML) systems in the process.

The speakers’ list, including Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, will discover the differing applications of the metaverse and what it will take to get there.

As explained by Meta:

“Building for the metaverse is the most ambitious long-term bet we’ve ever made as a company. The experiences we’re envisioning will require massive technological progress over the coming years, and our continued advancements in AI will be core to our success. The breakthroughs we’re making now in AI are happening thanks to the long-term bets we made in the early days of our research, in areas like computer vision, speech and translation, and our developer community.”

Meta will be talking about various sessions, including ‘Building Responsible AI at Meta,’ ‘Delivering Inclusive Technologies Through Translations’, and ‘The Path to Human Level Intelligence’ in this virtual event.

Elon Musk, one of the strongest tech people, has repeatedly warned of the potential dangers of AI advancement.

Despite different theories, this research is in progress. Meta is working toward building this into the broader metaverse scope in order to facilitate the next level of digital connection.

Through this virtual event, Meta is once again grabbing its hands over the broader tech conversations and development by putting it all under the ‘metaverse’ banner.

After renaming the firm and re-aligning any new advancement as a metaverse addition, the company is attempting to stake its claim to the next connection stage by making Meta synonymous with any such advances.

Is AI going to be a key part of the metaverse? The answer lies in what exactly the metaverse is! As the term is not yet clearly defined, Meta adds anything it likes into the project and places itself as the leading platform for the space and other development by being ‘Meta,’ the term’s originator.

Everything in the next few years will be about the metaverse, owned by the Meta. For instance, connecting in the Virtual Reality (VR) or even building new Augmented Reality (AR) experiences will be aligned with the metaverse shift under Meta management. This makes it clear that Meta’s corporate name change serves a far stronger reason than just re-aligning the company’s attention or potentially distancing itself from past controversies.