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Puppet Helps Achieve Security Compliance with 6.5 of the ACSC Essential Eight

Puppet Helps Achieve Security Compliance with 6.5 of the ACSC Essential Eight

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jun 06, 2024

Puppet Helps Achieve Security Compliance with 6.5 of the ACSC Essential Eight provides an in-depth overview of how Puppet Enterprise can assist organizations in adhering to the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) Essential Eight cybersecurity controls. It outlines the Essential Eight strategies, which include application control, patching applications and operating systems, configuring Microsoft Office macro settings, user application hardening, restricting administrative privileges, regular backups, and multi-factor authentication.

Puppet Enterprise simplifies achieving compliance by automating infrastructure management, thus reducing the time and resources needed for compliance reporting and audits. It also highlights the benefits of Puppet in maintaining continuous compliance and the added value of integrating Puppet with broader cybersecurity frameworks like the Information Security Manual (ISM). This high-level guidance ensures organizations can enhance their cyber defense posture effectively.

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