
  • Integrating CRM streamlines data entry and reporting, enabling the sales team to focus on customer communication and lead generation.
  • Automation enhances the customer experience by expediting processing, facilitating smoother onboarding, and accelerating order fulfillment.

Data entry is equally important as data creation. Consistent data entry unlocks the power of your data, revealing trends, customer insights, and growth opportunities.

Often businesses face trouble with manual data entry. Following are a few reason listed for your better understanding:

  • Human error
  • Higher costs
  • Time-consuming
  • Employee disengagement
  • Financial risks
  • Compliance worries

To avoid the above pointers, you are left with only one powerful and effective option: Automation.

When you strategically enter automation into your data entry process, you get instant and miraculous results. The process is called data entry automation.

What is Data Entry, and How Is It Important to Your Business?

Data entry refers to the manual input of numeric, symbolic, or alphabetic data into a company’s electronic database or program.

It may entail extracting data from the company’s software and inputting each value into the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

We create data every day, but until and unless we save it safely at a location, everything remains unrecorded.

Moreover, data entry is useful when we are planning to:

  • Move data from one location to another
  • Convert written text into digital format

This usually involves using a form, app, or spreadsheet to input the data. Sometimes, we also have to check the data for mistakes or clean it up as we enter it.

At the end, data entry is considerably useful for businesses to:

  • Build a solid information foundation
  • Enhance efficiency in sales and marketing
  • Streamline sales and marketing efforts
  • Enable informed decision-making
  • Strengthen customer relationships

The utilities outlined above have encouraged numerous businesses to embrace data entry automation procedures.

Why Have Most Companies Switched to Data Entry Automation?

Nowadays, companies are embracing full-scale automation across every department. Even data entry has not been exempt from this wave of automation.

Companies are showing trust in automated data entry for:

  1. A better customer experience

Automation boosts customer experience with quicker processing, smoother onboarding, and faster order fulfillment.

It frees up staff from manual tasks, allowing them to focus on customer interactions and strategic projects.

  1. Accurate data

AI and machine learning guarantee unmatched accuracy in extracting order data. Automation lessens human errors and produces verified, high-quality data output through customizable rules.

In short, it delivers significantly superior results compared to manual processes.

  1. A higher profit margin

Automation reduces the requirement for manual data entry, resulting in notable savings in labor costs and managing expensive errors.

These cumulative savings result in an exceptional return on investment over time.

  1. Unending customer satisfaction

Avoiding time-intensive and repetitive duties and investing your workforce in more impactful customer-centric work boosts job satisfaction and retention. Ultimately, it enhances their happiness and productivity.

The above benefits are immediate and can directly strengthen your business. When you implement automation solutions across your departments, the results you achieve can be very satisfying.

Data Entry Automation Solutions for Various Departments to Boost ROI

Companies should contemplate automating data entry in the following departments to accomplish their tasks efficiently.

Let’s uncover how to automate data entry across various departments:

  1. Marketing department

Automated data entry in your marketing department gives your team ample time to focus on the betterment of marketing performance.

Automation in marketing works for general activities like:

  • Managing unsubscribes
  • Updating e-Commerce stores
  • Inputting sales leads from campaigns into CRM systems

Additional tasks include:

  • Integrating CRM and email marketing (e.g., Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Sage CRM, dotdigital, MailChimp, HubSpot, etc.)
  • Automating upgrade, upsell, or cross-sell marketing activities
  • Sending automated SMS notifications and alerts for various offers and promotions
  • Monitoring marketing databases and CRM systems for duplicate, low-quality, or unknown data.
  1. Sales department

CRM integration streamlines data entry and reporting, making it convenient for your sales team to concentrate on customer communication and lead generation.

Additional solutions include:

  • MS exchange integration with CRM
  • Automated alerts for price changes
  • Instant notifications for website sales inquiries
  • Assigning sales leads automatically
  • Notifications for key customer accounts on credit hold
  1. Customer services and help desk automation

Streamline customer renewals through automated email and letter creation based on preset rules, lowering costs and administrative pressure.

Other automation areas include:

  • Customer self-service portal
  • Automated delivery of welcome packs, documents, and statements
  • Support ticket creation and assignment
  • Escalation of unresolved support issues
  • Communication with customers about deliveries, new stock, and services
  1. Information technology

The IT department leads the way in data entry automation. Using business process automation software and low-code application tools, IT professionals can quickly implement changes as business conditions evolve, reducing development times and costs.

Additional areas for IT process automation include:

  • Automated monitoring of key business systems with email or SMS alerts
  • Streamlined app development and data integration using drag-and-drop tools like BPA platform and applications platform
  • Automatic hard disk space checks on servers with alerts for low levels and optional deletion from Temp folders
  • Utilization of low-code application development tools to create tailored software and add-ons.

Concluding Lines

At the core of every business lies data, crucial for understanding consumer behavior and making strategic decisions.

However, inaccurate data entry can lead to flawed analysis. Therefore, careful planning is needed before inputting data.

That’s where data entry automation software comes in. By automating this crucial step, you eliminate human error and ensure a steady stream of clean, reliable data you can trust.

With accurate data at your fingertips, you’ll be empowered to make informed decisions that drive real results.

Enhance your understanding by delving into various data-related whitepapers accessible through our resource center.